Six year olds: Where will a balloon float to?

Nikki is an atheist mom located in Minnesota. She has been atheist for over 20 years. She has a three year old and six year old. 

Nikki recently shared this lovely story with us..

Recently we were at a festival and someone let a balloon go. As it floated away my friend’s kid, who is six years old, said, “It’s going to heaven.” 

My six year old responded, “I think it’s going to space.”

I found it interesting that both six year olds were okay with having different ideas. They didn’t fight or try to prove each other wrong. They just went about their fun as if it’s okay to have different beliefs and live side by side as friends.

I also like that two parents can be friends and move along with our fun day even when our kids highlight our very different beliefs. It gives me hope.

Thank you for sharing Nikki!

Photo by Elle Hughes.

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